Sunday Morning Talk
Saturday, January 31, 2004

Many, if not most, ministers have a regular speaking gig that they do on Sunday mornings if their ministry includes a building where people come together to meet and worship. Since Practical Truth Ministry is a ministry without walls, a ministry that does not maintain its own building for those involved in the ministry to come together, but is, rather, an experience in CyberSpace, this blog is for the purpose of posting the text of the talk that I would prepare and present were I speaking weekly from a platform. This concept of webposting a talk began with Practical Truth Ministry when I started, in late 1999, sending out weekly emails containing a talk. Those, close to 5,000 word, emails were a bit much for some folk's email boxes to handle, and the events of 9/11 and other considerations led to our focus shifting from lengthly weekly emails to the use of various blogs. Finally, we have the concept of weekly talks returning with this blog, SundayMorningTalk. Our intention is to post a weekly talk every Sunday morning beginning sometime before the 1st of March, 2004.

Come back often and enjoy. Information on how to make contributions to this ministry are found at Practical Truth Ministry. Thanks for coming and come back often.
Thursday, January 01, 2004

Here’s a rundown on my presence on the web (CAPS are important with AOL):


TANSTAAFL City: http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/
This is the general entry point and has some background stuff about this identity known as Charles DeTurk.

Practical Truth Ministry: http://members.aol.com/RevDeTurk/
This is my online ministry site. There are notes from classes and tapes for sale and some preliminary text from one of the books that I’m writing.

MajorDomo's World: http://members.aol.com/ZMajorDomo/
MajorDomo is a nom de plume that I began using about 30 years ago. I use it for my more “secular” thoughts and contributions. It contains a number of “perspectives” that one might find interesting.

Surf City: http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/SurfCity.html/
Here I have over 7,000 links to other websites. A few links are no longer valid, but the overwhelming majority are still good, in spite of not being updated in 3 years.

Beading Adventures: http://members.aol.com/SherriSite/
I set this up with the idea of displaying some of the jewelry that my wife makes. Lack of adequate storage space limited that idea.


Practical Truth: http://practicaltruth.blogspot.com/
This, of course, is my ministry. The notes for a series of classes that I taught entitled, “What We Believe That Makes Us Different” are here.

Still … After All These Years: http://zmajordomo.blogspot.com/
Here we have MajorDomo’s latest inputs on Metaphysics and Quantum Physics and whatever else is of interest to me.

Welcome To Web World: http://welcomewebworld.blogspot.com/
This is an extension of Surf City in that I highlight, with personal comments, various other sites of interest on the Net.

Millennium Paradigm: http://millenniumparadigm.blogspot.com/

This is the ongoing text of one of 3 books that I’m currently involved in writing. Of the three, this is the one that is most challenging, and the one, therefore, that I’m most excited about. I’m posting the content to this weblog as I create it.

Explorations In The Dynamics Of Consciousness: http://expdyncon.blogspot.com/

Fifteen years ago I began putting together a 24-hour seminar entitled “Explorations In The Dynamics Of Consciousness.” The original intention was that this would be a combination seminar and performance. This is that beginning.

What I Want To Know Is …..: http://whatiwanttoknowis.blogspot.com/

With thanks, apologies and baskets of kudus to Max Headroom and Edison Carter, this is where we share some of the things that we are curious about.

Sunday Morning Talk: http://sundaymorningtalk.blogspot.com/

This is a continuation of my previous weekly eletters where I shared a weekly 20-30 minute talk. This time, however, it will be posted on the Net rather than sent as an email. That places the responsibility for reading it on the reader and cuts out a tremendous amount of email

Various email addresses are found throughout these sites, though the primo ways to reach me are at: charlesdeturk@yahoo.com or revdeturk@yahoo.com (Note: I only check AOL, Earthlink, & Hotmail about once every 2 to 4 weeks).

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